Island of Blood has finally arrived!!!!!
This is the new starter box set to kick off 8th edition. Now to be very unfair cos I am a Skaven player, I absolutely do not understand when people say how AWESOME the High Elves look in the IOB, look at the new Lothern Sea Guard wearing panties, and look at the Silver Helms where the riders has legs the same size as the horses they are riding, and look at that trannny half bird half pussy thing that they called a Griffon, and the worse thing is that on top of that Griffon thing, there is a rider........Where are the Demon and Witch Hunters when we truly need them?? Finally the swordmasters are static, it seems like their sword is too heavy for them. I truly and hands and legs down agree with my friend when he decide to use them as wood elves
Now after all that , GW rub it in my fat face further by releasing 3 new plastik kits....1st, The Dragon Princes which easily pass as Blood Knights and they truly make me convince myself why I never like Elves on Horse action when I watch Porn. 2nd, the white coloured lions of Disgrace, I am sure these elves and totally nekkid to the core, even shaving their pubic areas clean, hairless men lose all their confidence in war, cos if you are a hairless man, you are effectively a Woman.....last but not least, is the release of the Penis guard, what kind of male guard are you if you guard a Penis that does not belong to you, Disgusting.......
Now, with more love in the air, let me tell you what awesomeness IOB offer to the Skaven playas.
To kick it all off, you get a very fierce and blood thirst looking Skaven Warlord, he has a Spear in one hand and a butcher knife in another, armed amazingly for war, unlike some races where the general choose to sit atop some griffon and hide behind the Griffon when it comes to the crunch.
Next you get a brand new plastik Warlord Engineer, and this one comes with a warplock pistol, and you do not have to wonder how you are going to WYSIWYG that pistol anymore.
If you think thats it, then you are wrong....cos Skaven playas also receive 2 brutal looking Rat Ogres, and these are brand new sculpts, and coming with the rat ogres is a Master Moulder. and now you do not have to think about how to WYSIWYG a Master Moulder as well.
Inside the box also comes with 20 clanrats with spears and 20 clanrats with hand weapons and shield, and if you think these are useless and are nothing special, then I will be happy to take them all off from you, cos the banner bearers are all unique to this box and cannot be found anywhere else and so are the musicians
Lastly with Clan Rats, you also get weapon Teams. They give you a brand new Warpfire Thrower and this
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