A lot of people say painting an army is a very daunting task, giving mindless excuses like " WHat, painting a mini takes 2 hrs...." or something like" I am not good at painting,I will do an ugly paint job and spoil the mini"
The worse one I ever heard is " it will be about a year after this new release that I can complete the painting and get to play, nah, by then I may have already lost interest." Of course the most funny one I ever heard is " I cannot paint at home........" Try painting in the toilet next time, looking at your own D%$@ may give you inspiration
Well, to each his own, these past 2 years, I have learn a lot from Kenneth, not only has he taught me painting and choosing colour schemes, he has also taught me how to stay alive in this hobby(also he taught me how to use Lootas in a Battlewagon....shhhh). I am glad I followed the right group and pick the right path for the hobby. In the short 2 years that I joined, I painted at least 3000pts of Orks, 3000pts of Chaos Space Marines, 3000pts of Skaven. So, when anyone tells me their so called reasons, I have a tendency to find that these are all excuses and not 100% true.
Watching an English Serial : at least 30mins
Playing PC and Video games : at least 2 hours
Reading Space Marines Novel : No time wasted , as this is done in the toilet
Reading the pointless WD : 1 hour
Dreaming about screwing pinoys : 1 hour
Coming to work : 8 hours
Looking at INDIAN woman in black top and white bra : 15mins
Going home to Jerk off after that: 45mins, including imagining time
There is nothing wrong in spending time doing all these examples I have stated. We have a lot of time, most of it are not spent painting, I have a Tyranid friend, who goes to school early just to paint his minis and when he goes home at night, he spends time painting his DE. He is married as well, he does not give excuses
And to those who use marraige and kids as an excuse for having no time for this hobby,You might as well go burn all your minis and call it quits. Just for your information, I am married with 3 kids and I cough out minis like no tomorrow.
It is dedication and determination and not just talk......I painted these in 3 hours